The ministry of Christ for Ireland is dedicated to the bold preaching of the Gospel through the power of the Spirit. Ireland is desperately in need of churches as lighthouses in a dark place. Our vision is to have a Baptist church accessible to everyone in Ireland. We are thrilled that you are visiting us online. If have any questions that are not answered on our website, please don't hesitate to contact us at (+353) 01-451-5574 or email us at
Partner With Us!

You Can Partner by Praying
No work of eternal value is ever accomplished without the “effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man” James 5:16. If you would commit yourself to earnest prayer, please join our mailing list and we will send you regular updates and prayer requests. Prayer is vital and without it we will not see the work of God accomplished. Please pray for Christ for Ireland and that the powers of darkness will be banished from this land.

You Can Partner by Going
You can apply to come and help with our Gospel campaigns as an individual or as a group during the summer months for two weeks or more. Email us at info@christforireland.organd we will be glad to send you some more information.

Giving is a great, practical opportunity to keep the work of the Lord going and growing. Through your faithful and sacrificial giving you can help send a missionary, support a gospel labourer, help plant Baptist churches throughout Ireland, support a full time college professor to prepare an army of workers to evangelize and establish churches. You can give monthly, or a one time donation to any ministry you designate.